The rain gods don’t like our softball team. We’d been rained out for four weeks in a row, and were finally going to play last night, last game of the night at 9:00. At 8:30, as our luck would have it, the heavens opened up and it poured for about twenty minutes. Just enough to call off the softball game. Sigh.
I was a very bad employee and didn’t get much done this morning, mainly because I was buying a plane ticket to Colorado and debating with Gavin, Jen and Becca about what vaccinations we need for Peru. At this point, I think we’ve all agreed that malaria medicine isn’t necessary, and that Hepatitis A and typhoid vaccinations are. What we can’t figure out is whether we need yellow fever or not. Different travel clinics and websites have told us different things. If the shot was cheap, I’d just go ahead and get it, but it’s $140 and I don’t want to get immunized against something if I don’t really need to be.
Rich is tempting me with a three-day southern California baseball trip (San Diego, Anaheim, and LA!) the weekend before we go to Peru. I want to go. I don’t have the vacation time. But I want to go. With my recent trip to Chicago and the upcoming trip to Denver, that would be 7 baseball stadiums this summer, and would bring my total to 17–more than half! But I don’t have the vacation time…
This afternoon and evening is the division cert party, honoring all the people that have certified for any console position in the past couple years. There are a ton of people on that list, so the entire division will probably be there. The weather is looking ominous, so even though we’ll be under the pavilion, I’m hoping the rain holds off.
This weekend, of course, is the beginning of four days of MLB All-Star madness! Woohoo! Tomorrow, Chris and Jason and I are going to Fan Fest. Sunday we’ll be at the Futures Game and Legends & Celebrities Softball Game. Monday we’ll be at the Home Run Derby, and Tuesday at the All-Star Game itself. I am so excited.
And finally, a Tour de France update courtesy of my mini-obsession: Lance Armstrong finished with the pack today despite a major pileup in the last kilometer, neither gaining nor losing time over his major opponents. Go Lance!
i’d rather get a shot than get yellow fever.
Come to LA! I’ll go to the game and pig out on Dodger dogs with you.