Lance Armstrong won his sixth Tour de France yesterday, and I’m already suffering from withdrawal. I have no idea what I’m going to watch on TV every morning and night now that the Tour is over. Maybe I’ll have to — gasp — turn the TV off!
I’m pretty sure that the impending trip to Colorado will take my mind off cycling. We (Becca, Gavin, Jen, Jason, Rich, Emily, and Carter, oh, and me too) leave for Denver on Thursday and catch a baseball game that afternoon. We get to Rocky Mountain National Park on Friday and will spend four days wandering the trails, sucking in what little oxygen we can, and taking in the view of the mountains. Our attempt at Longs Peak may be thwarted by snow, but it should be an awesome trip no matter what.
I did zilch this weekend besides watch the Tour. Saturday night I did see Bourne Supremacy, and didn’t really enjoy it very much. The shaky camera and frantic shot changes and editing made me dizzy. During the car chase, I actually had to close my eyes because I just couldn’t keep up with the crazy camera movements. And the story itself just didn’t keep me interested. It was a pretty forgettable movie.
Despite the huge thunderstorm that shook my apartment yesterday around 5:00, we did end up playing soccer. It hadn’t rained at all at the fields, which are about 10 miles from my apartment. Even better, we actually won the game! The other team was three people short…but hey, we won. We never win, so we’ll take what we can get. The only bad part of the game is that some large girl hurt my ankle. We were both going for the ball, and though I got it, she managed to step on my foot such that a cleat hit exactly between my shoes and the padding of my shinguards. Oddly, it’s not bruised, but it hurts.
A month or so ago, we switched to a new payroll system at work. As a “cute” way to remind everyone of the website, they distributed little foam computers with the URL of the new timekeeping site on it. So far, we’ve used them for taking out our computer-related hostility. I like to put mine on the floor and stomp on it every time my sims don’t work. Today, Matt decided to turn one into a prank computer (in the tradition of the Irwin-provided MS prankball):
It’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.
Irwin says
Hmmm…career fair is coming up…I’ll have to see what new toys I can find for you wacky people.