You have my postcard wrong. Or, at the very least, you could correct it for me before putting it up for all and sundry to see (thanks, by the way, so now everyone thinks I’m a lush ;). As in fixing “greeting” to “greetings” and “mine” to “wine” (I am pretty sure, at least, that I wrote “wine” even if it looks like “mine”).
I really wasn’t drunk. But I’d had two glasses of wine which is enough to make me feel it and I thought it would make for a fun postcard. Which, apparently, it did. I am glad it made you laugh! 😉
Ok, to be fair, turns out that I did accidentally mistype “Greeting!” instead of “Greetings!” and the “mine” could maybe be “wine” upon closer inspection of the postcard. But still. Cari is funny. Hee hee hee.