So how bad is this: in looking through all the photos I took this past weekend in Chicago, I realized I have not a single picture of Christina. I only took pictures of the baseball games and at the top of the Hancock building, and thus I only have pictures of myself, Carter, Rich and Steve. I have a picture of Izzy the cat, but not of Izzy’s owner. How bizarre, how bizarre.
In any case, I posted quite a few pictures for everyone to see. Here are a few of my favorites:
Chicago, from the top of the Hancock building
Comiskey, I mean, US Cellular Field
Frank Thomas, literally a split second away from hitting a double
Milwaukee’s racing sausages
Chicago was fun. It was excellent to see Christina, and meet Ben (who I liked a lot), and hang out with Carter, and go to three baseball games that were played despite the thunderstorms and their disappearing/reappearing act. I loved the city, of course, as much as I love all old cities with narrow streets and public transit. I love Christina’s purple living room, and blue bedroom, and green hallway, and I think I may do some painting of my own soon.
It was an excellent weekend that ended annoyingly with a 4-hour delay at O’Hare. Our plane had “mechanical difficulties” and we were eventually rebooked on a United flight to Houston that left at 2:50 p.m. (Our original flight was supposed to leave at 11 a.m.) Oddly, it wasn’t the lateness that annoyed me as much as the fact that there was no way to have known about the lateness ahead of time. If only I could’ve said from the beginning, “rebook me on the 5:00 flight and I’ll go spend the day in Chicago.” There was a lot downtown that I still wanted to see.
We got off the plane to hot, humid, hazy air. And again, I asked myself why I live here. And again, I didn’t really have a great answer. It is so depressing to be back at work today, and I can’t wait until my next vacation.
pictures of my cat are way way way better than pictures of my and only kinda better than a warm, fresh krispy kreme.
Mmmmm, Krispy Kreme.