I love having both a sister (Katie) and a friend (Cari) living in Europe at the moment, mainly because it means that I get a lot of postcards. I adore getting postcards. I have one of those French memo board things specifically for postcards, and it’s already two layers thick.
Katie’s first card arrived from Cologne on Thursday, and Cari’s latest postcard is from Neuschwanstein in Germany. Becca and I went there three years ago. The card made me laugh:
Dear Sarah,
Greeting! I am drunk. Not really, but a little tipsy–my parents keep getting mine & I’m such a lightweight. But what do you care? Today we saw two castles. Impressive. This one’s supposedly the inspiration for Disney’s Cinderella castle. I want to live in a castle!
Love, Cari
How nice that you got a card from Cari. To postcards arrived from her at my house — one was to G&J c/o me, and the other was “To everyone who lives in the house but Becca” Seriously. I feel so unloved. Must find new way to torture her dog