I decided while on vacation that I should try to start coming to work at 8:00. That’s only a half hour earlier than I usually get in, which only means getting up when the alarm goes off instead of snoozing three times, but being here at 8 means I can leave at 4:30 instead of 5. At the end of the day, that final half hour feels like an eternity.
So this week I’ve been very diligent about getting in by 8:00, and it really does make a difference. Yesterday I was home in time to go on a 15-mile bike ride, shower, get a pedicure with Jo, pick up Quizno’s for dinner, watch some baseball, talk to Carter for a while, load his Chicago pictures into my gallery, finish my May issue of Outside, and go to bed. Wow! I managed to do all that after work!
I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do with my day off tomorrow. I may try to round up the remaining things I need for the Longs Peak trip, which might but hopefully won’t involve a trip all the way back up to REI again. Though I have been wanting to go to IKEA for a while now anyway, and that’s in the same general direction, so ending up at REI for the second time in a week wouldn’t be too bad. Outdoors stores are beginning to wrest Target and SuperTarget from their position as “Sarah’s Favorite Store Ever.”
I also need to stop by Barnes & Noble to find another Flash tutorial book. I’m helping Chris create a website for his friend Cheri, a pro wheelchair racer, and there’s something I want to do that I can’t for the life of me figure out: loading an external website’s HTML into a Flash movie. Maybe it’s not possible, but I dunno.