The rumors are flying; it appears that we will have Friday off work as President Bush has declared it a federal holiday and day of mourning for President Reagan. An unexpected but definitely welcome vacation day!
I’m such a flake sometimes. Last week I was updating my resume, which needed serious work since the last time I looked at it was November 2001. Last night in the shower, I was thinking about working on the Technique in college. It’s sort of ironic, but I realized that James was the one who got me involved in the paper in the first place when he had me write that silly article about MARTA. Next thing I knew, I was Chris’s assistant, then Entertainment Chica.
…Ok, so I started this entry at 10:30 a.m. and I’m just now getting back to it. Anyway, the point I was getting to was that in updating my resume, I had the dates wrong for when I did which section editor position. It’s funny how quickly I’ve forgotten the nitty gritty details of what I’ve done in the past few years.
And, as I found out in the six hours since I began this entry, we do get Friday off work. Woohoo! Free holiday! I’m a little surprised. I don’t know who was the last president to die (Nixon?), but I wonder if it was also named a federal holiday. Interesting.
Anyway. This is yet another dull entry. I just haven’t had the energy to write lately, and when I do have things to write about, it’s complaining. And I’m tired of complaining.
I have it from my office-mates that the Nixon got a federal holiday, too. I’m so bad – my first thought was “I wonder if I can turn this into a camping trip somehow”.
Yeah, seriously. My first thought was “Presidents should die more often!” How awful of me!
I did get you involved in the Nique, which was funny since you did more than I ever did!

“The Entertainment editor is an evil, evil man.”
Right. The Entertainment editor is an awesome woman though.