So I bought gas yesterday and was appalled at how much I had to pay, and how much the Xterra’s gas tank can swallow. I’ve never been one to really notice gas prices before, except when I first got to California and it was more than $2 a gallon…but the Xterra is making me notice. I hope I get over it soon, otherwise I’m never going to want to drive anywhere.
My mom called last night to let me know that my grandmother had a fall. She was making her bed and tripped over the bedpost or something and now has “compressed vertebrae.” It’s one of the many ways you can break your back, and the only solution is to just wait for it to heal. (Apparently my dad also had this happen once, although his was a result of being young and stupid and jumping out a window.) She fell on Tuesday, but being the self-sufficient type, she just tried to take care of herself on her own all that day and didn’t ask for help until yesterday morning when she got up and could hardly move. My poor grandmother! She is ok, just in a lot of pain. She lives in a retirement community, so they have moved her to a new room temporarily so that the nurses can help her get around. They also gave her a walker.
My grandmother is pretty cool. She moved to the retirement community four or five years ago I guess, and while it’s been good for her because there are people around and activities to do, she often talks/lightly complains about how there are so many “old people” that live there. “Old people.” It’s funny to hear her say that, as she herself will be 90 this year. 90! I haven’t met many 90-year-olds, but I imagine my grandmother is one of the most active and sane 90-year-olds around. Sure, she moves slower than she used to, and her hearing is getting pretty bad, but she’s always been very healthy. I hope she is back on her feet soon, as it’s probably driving her crazy to have to sit around, use a walker, and have nurses take care of her. Mom said she sounded like she was in better spirits last night than she had been earlier in the day, so that is good.
Good, good.
So we were supposed to go to Corpus Christi tomorrow to run a relay race on Saturday. Six people running ~4.4 miles each to total a marathon. Except one team member has dropped out, and Corpus is farther away than I thought it was, and I’m tired (so what’s new), and so this race has become a hassle. We’re short a person and can’t find anyone else to fill the spot, and if we have one person run two legs, it’s breaking the rules. I’m unenthused about driving four and a half hours to run in a race that we won’t even be counted in. We’ll see what happens.
Pet peeve of the day: Dodgers closer Eric Gagne’s streak of 73 consecutive saves is always in the news these days. It’s very impressive, and I don’t want to take away from his dominance, but every time I hear the Sportscenter guys gushing about the streak, I want to scream: “He blew last year’s All-Star game! Hello! He blew it! Blown save! Yes! BLOWN. SAVE.” I know the All-Star game didn’t count (despite its motto), but play devil’s advocate with me, people. He did blow a save last year.
And that’s all she wrote.
I paid $2.39/gallon yeasterday at the cheap place…