Remember all those games you used to play as a kid? Capture the Flag, Ghosts in the Graveyard, Heads Down Seven Up, Sardines, Tunnel Tag… Somehow we got on that topic at lunch today, and after reliving some of the best moments and coolest injuries of our childhoods we decided that we should have an Adult Field Day. Just like Field Day in elementary school, except with more pushing and shoving. And beer instead of Kool-Aid.
Though I’d rather have Kool-Aid.
Yesterday afternoon I left work in a foul mood because I thought I’d discovered yet another stupid mistake on my part that would mean running all my ET sims again. This morning I looked at the new results (they ran overnight), and they look the same as the old results. So maybe I wasn’t wrong. Or maybe I was, and the way I fixed it was wrong. It’s still TBD. I think the more I look at code, the worse my coding skills become. My eyes just start to glaze over.
Fortunately, I pulled myself out of my bad mood with a trip to the park. It was a bit warm, but it was nice to get outside.
Last night I had my third “something happened to my brand new car” dream. This time, I came out of a club (yeah, ’cause you know, I go to clubs so often!?) and there had been a riot or something outside, and my Xterra was turned completely upside down and was sitting on its roof (which somehow was managing to fully support the weight of the rest of the car). And the side was all scratched up, and I stood there going “oh no, my new car!”
My dreams totally suck. No excitement at all. This may sound a bit crazy, but lately I have come to the conclusion that my permanent tired-ness is due not to doing too much, but to a lack of regular exercise. My workout schedule has been all crazy ever since the Austin half marathon back in February. I just haven’t been doing any sort of regular exercise since then. Sure, there have been races and the MS150 and that triathlon and stuff in there, but I haven’t been doing anything on a 3-5 days per week basis. I think if I got back on a regular schedule, I might have more energy. Worth a try anyway.