Because we didn’t go to Corpus Christi, fearing torrential rains, it has of course been lovely today. A bit sticky, but at least there’s a breeze. My body hasn’t adjusted to the coming increase in temperature yet. It still complains when I make it hike around in the woods looking for geocaches with Debbie and Jason.
My “relaxing” weekend has been busy. I suppose that is par for the course. But this morning, I didn’t set an alarm, and I don’t plan to set one for tomorrow morning either. Waking up when my body says it’s time to wake up is a nice thing.
At the moment, my grandmother is feeling a bit better, and my sister is waking up in Brussels. It’s too bad full time jobs don’t come with the “summer abroad” option. I could use it.
yay europe! you should email me with your favorite places so i can go visit them on the weekends…