Uncategorized · May 9, 2004baby you can drive my car (part 2) Becca got a new car today! It’s contagious! And for good measure…here’s both of us with our new cars. Related
Irwando says May 9, 2004 at 3:46 am Looks like I’ll be down in June, can’t wait to play in both of them! I think a tug-o-war is in order! (By the time you read this, I may already be sitting in a luxury box in Safeco Field watching the Yankees whip up on the M’s once again!)
Sarah says May 9, 2004 at 2:34 pm For the record, I think the Xterra would win in a tug-o-war. Luxury box? Ok, I’m jealous.
Brian says May 10, 2004 at 8:31 am Free Shrimp Thanks to NASA http://www.longjohnsilver.com/press/freeshrimp.htm
Looks like I’ll be down in June, can’t wait to play in both of them! I think a tug-o-war is in order!
(By the time you read this, I may already be sitting in a luxury box in Safeco Field watching the Yankees whip up on the M’s once again!)
For the record, I think the Xterra would win in a tug-o-war.
Luxury box? Ok, I’m jealous.
go mariners…
Free Shrimp Thanks to NASA
Go Yankees!
Pics from the game are up over on my site.