So I came to work this morning, started up my computer, and it crashed on some DOS screen saying a system file is missing or corrupt. Nevermind that it worked just fine on Friday. It won’t boot today. So as I wait for the ODIN guy to come fix it (maddening that I don’t have the OS disk so that I could just fix it myself), I’m borrowing Becca’s computer.
And, Becca, I have to wonder, how the hell do you use this computer?? The monitor is 8 inches too low, your chair is tilted backwards at a strange angle, and the mouse is so jumpy that it takes me 5 seconds to get it to land on the little “window close” button at the top right corner of all the windows.
I just want my stupid computer fixed. Last week, it was the code that was driving me crazy. Now the computer has decided to join in on the act.
I’ll post more later once I’m back on my own computer.
And FYI, Cari, we don’t get paid to play in the golf tournament. Sad.
Yeah, the mouse drives me batty. Its been like since April Fool’s day (it hasn’t been the same since Matt put tape in it). The monitor can’t be raised any higher (tried that, it sticks out too much, and then there’s no room on the table for the keyboard). And I like my chair tilted back, it feels good on my back, I don’t care about the ergonomics of it.
The thing that bugs me is that the computer is SO SLOW. June 9 is when I get a new one…