I needed a night where I got at least 8 hours of sleep, and last night I finally decided that the only way I could do that anytime soon was to take this morning off. So I did. And slept blissfully until 10:00, when I got up, showered, picked up lunch at Quizno’s, and finally made it to work around 11:30. Ahh. I will admit that there’s at least one good thing about having a desk job–being able to sleep in without causing any problems for anyone else.
In any case, the fact that I took the morning off work should tell you that Yuri’s Night last night was awesome, with about 250 people braving the oddly cold (about 55 degrees and windy) spring weather to party with us and celebrate spaceflight. As this Wired article says, “in 10,000 years, will humans still be partying on the Fourth of July? Probably not. Bastille Day? Doubt it. The day humans first left their home planet? If we’re still around to party, probably so.” So hooray for spaceflight, and hooray for a successful Yuri’s Night Houston 2004. Pictures (mostly bad ones of people partying in dim light, but c’est la vie) are here.
Tonight I’m attempting to jumpstart my running again with a lap around the space center with Buzz. That’s somewhere around 7 miles. We’re both tired, so it’ll be slooooow. After that, I absolutely positively must go to the grocery store. I’ve been living on take-out, pizza, Quizno’s, and other assorted food for like three weeks now. The cupboard is bare.
Not nearly enough embarassing/drunk Becca pictures, but looks like the part was a hit!
Well, I tried to capture her head-banging with a 10-year-old and dancing to whatever beat was going on in her head, but her drunken movements are tough to capture in a still picture!