I have been in some sort of weird limbo lately with my health. I feel like I’m coming down with a cold, and yet I haven’t actually come down with a cold. I just feel very blah. Tired, and my throat has been hurting for a few days. Not the type of hurt that usually precedes a true head cold though…just a scratchiness such that by bedtime, I feel like I’ve overtaxed my vocal cords or something.
Strange. I think I just need sleep. And a weekend “off,” meaning, a weekend where I don’t have 10 million things to do, at least one of which involves getting up before 6 a.m. Unfortunately, this weekend won’t be it, because I’ll be up at 5 a.m. on Saturday to drive over to Sugarland with Buzz to do the Speedo Women’s Triathlon. However, next weekend is looking clear so far. I think I’m going to try to keep my projected May 8-9 plans to a minimum. Of course, the weekend after that is the Beach to Bay relay in Corpus Christi…
I think I need to slow down.
I left work early yesterday and Dad and I spent the afternoon checking out cars. I think I’m going with the Xterra. We went to one dealership in Sugarland (since I had to go over there anyway to pick up my race packet for Sunday), where I took an Xterra on an extended test drive. About 10 miles in all, including about 4 miles on the interstate to see how the car did with accelerating and passing. My dad likes the Xterra a lot. So we checked out two more dealerships to see what they had on the lot… I think I have decided not to get blue after all, and am currently trying to find a red one. Wouldn’t you know, the only red one within 100 miles that’s equipped just how I want it is in Port Arthur! (Port Arthur is basically on the TX/LA border.)
Anyway. Dad’s calling the parts department this morning to see if an accessory can be added for a reasonable cost, and if so, the dealership just up the highway has a red one that’s just what I want. Or, alternately, there are a bazillion silver ones out there. I guess I just was hoping for something different. My little Sentra is silver/beige, and I thought it might be nice to get a change of pace. But we’ll see. I’ll either get “thermal red” or “silver lightning.” You can check the colors out here and let me know what you think in the comments section.
Yes, that was a blatant attempt to get you guys to write comments. I like comments.
Last night we did get home in time for me to go swimming with Buzz. She is improving a lot, especially in her swimming endurance. She can do a lot more laps than she used to be able to do! Yay. It was a good swim. I probably did 24 or 25 laps in all. I love swimming. Though the pool was dirty, and massively over-chlorinated. Made my skin all dry and my hair all yucky.
Maroon. You want maroon. Maroon is good. Maroon is a better name for a color than “thermal red”. What the hell is “thermal red” anyways? Sounds like “thermal curtain”.
I need a better reason than “I like maroon because I went to A&M” weirdo.
I still like the blue.
The maroon is good, though.
10 seconds to thermal curtain failure…
Red all the way! All the best cars are red (all the best cars have roofs that come off too, but I’m guessing the Xterra doesn’t have that). Besides, red cars go faster.
A friend of our as home was on Town Council and is now a county judge. He bought XTerras for himself, his wife, and son. The colors? Red, White, and of course, Blue.
Actually, I kind of liked the blue, but it’s kind of hard to project it from the mountains to the streets of Houston. After blue, my second choice would be red. Red would definitely be cool too.
Sarah’s never seen Space Camp. So much for thermal curtain failure.
I actually like the red, which is weird, because I’m not a big red-on-suv kind of gal. Or the silver.
Makes me thing of my bright yellow wrangler that I will buy eventually.
Me being the obsessive car observer and desirer of an Xterra since I was in high school. I prefer the Just Blue, Solar Yellow, or Canteen. The evolution of colors finally has arrived at some decent choices. I’d avoid the Thermal Red because it’s red and I went to Tech. Canteen wouldn’t look dirty as fast. Blue is just good because it’s my favorite color.
Well, obviously I went with “thermal red.” Sorry Gavin. It’s thermal red. Good point about the UGA colors, Brian, but I hated the canteen and yellow! Yellow is a color that should be reserved for small cars only, in my humble opinion…