Ugh. Today has been very frustrating so far. Matlab is taking forever, since I’m having to deal with huge trajectory files. SORT is being a huge bother by continuing to violate the minimum altitude for reasons that are as yet unknown. I can’t figure out why. This is why I didn’t major in computer science, for god’s sake. It’s absurd. And the freaking debugger is only really effective if you know which subroutine the thing is breaking in, and I don’t.
I really hate coding.
This whole day just started off on the wrong foot when I went downstairs to get into my car this morning and discovered that my water heated had exploded and was leaking water all over my garage. Beautiful. I’ve lived in this complex for less than two years, in two apartments, and the water heater in both has broken! I think the complex is about 10 years old, so maybe that’s the lifespan on a water heater. Anyway, it wasn’t a huge deal, since I took my shower last night, and this morning I washed my face, so it must have busted this morning right after that…but the leaking water got all over one of the cardboard boxes of Yuri’s Night pint glasses in my garage. I came close to breaking the glasses as I tried to move the box without picking it up too far (since the bottom was so wet it was falling apart).
Last night Jason, Debbie and I had a group car-driving outing. I drove the Vue for the first time and the Liberty for a second time, both over a very bumpy and pothole-ridden road. The Liberty continues to ride better than expected, making it an annoyingly tough choice. I think I’ve ruled out the Saturn, because it doesn’t seem to be as rugged overall as the Liberty and Xterra, and for some reason is just not as appealing to me. But the Liberty is really starting to give the Xterra a run for it. As Leila said this morning, basically now I have to choose between Kent and Leila. Kent drives a Liberty, Leila and Brian drive an Xterra. Funny.
Ok, this is truly bizarre. I went into the debugger to check the one subroutine I thought my code might be breaking in, couldn’t find anything wrong, and so clicked “continue” to crash the run and exit the program…and now the damn thing appears to be running. WHY?????? I hate this program!!
To top it all off, it’s absolutely beautiful outside today, and I just want to go home.
Does it always crash when running normally and work when debugging? Could be a race condition…
Uhhhh, what’s a race condition?
Actually, when I changed the number 400000 to 400000.0, it worked. Stupid Fortran.
Race Condition – Say you have two programs running, and one writes to a file while the other one reads the same file. Program/process 2 opens the file and tries to read, nothing is there, so it waits. Now Program/process 1 comes along and tries to write to the file, but 2 already has it open, so 1 can’t do anything, so it waits. Both programs are now waiting on something that won’t happen. If these are running at the same time, it’s a matter of who gets to the file first – hence “race condition”. While debugging you could be slowing down the processes enough that everything works fine, but when not debugging the condition occurs.
However, if “.0” fixed it, probably just a datatype issue, maybe something to do with overflow (numbers to big to store in memory). Changing from integer to float calculations (by adding “.0” will help that, as evidenced.