Last night Jen, Jason, Debbie and I went downtown to see Brigadoon at the Hobby Center. It was an ok musical, and one of the tenors (not the lead, but another major part) was so incredible that I couldn’t help but wonder why he’s stuck doing shows in Houston and isn’t starring on Broadway somewhere. But I’ve started to realize that, as uncultured as this sounds, I like the more modern musicals better than the “classic” shows of the 40s, 50s and 60s. I’ll take Rent, Phantom, Aida, and Les Mis over Brigadoon, South Pacific, and The Music Man anyway. Not that the oldies aren’t good, just that I prefer the newer ones. That probably makes me not a “true” musical fan or something.
I came home sleepy, but as I walked in the door my mind had unfortunately turned to thoughts of work. I have not in a happy place in a few aspects of my life for the past few weeks/months, and I don’t really want to go into detail in writing. I have been thinking a lot about a few things, and have yet to come to any conclusions, so my racing thoughts left me tossing and turning in bed for almost an hour. I finally fell asleep sometime after 12:30, and have been foggy all day today. I am a really big wuss when it comes to approaching my superiors, preferring to think that if I perform well, they’ll recognize it, and somehow read my mind about where I want my job to go. I know that’s not true, and so I’m debating on how to proceed from here. I know I’ll get to the bottom of things, but I’m not sure when or how. Suffice it to say that…I’m working it.
After lunch I went over to Challenger Park to meet with the park manager to finalize things for the 5K on the 3rd. We rode around the loop on a little ATV so I could point out our worrisome spots (that are still mucky despite having gone a week and a half without rain). It was amusing, the two of us on a little truck with me in my pinstriped works pants and boots and him in his coveralls and trucker hat. But things look good, and I’m excited that the race is almost here. It’s looking like we may get close to 100 people which would be awesome!
WOW. I just got an email from Bike Barn, and they’re having a demo program as part of the MS150 where you can ride nice bikes for free on either Saturday or Sunday of the ride. I immediately went to their website and spur-of-the-moment chose the Trek 5200, a $2,500 (!) bike, to ride on Saturday. I always second guess myself when I have to make quick decisions, but Gavin, George and Matt recommended I try the fancy bike on the first day, which, while longer, has fewer hills and will involve a not-yet-sore derriere.
C’est tout pour aujourd’hui.
Hope things are going ok. You sound as mentally consternated as a lot of folk here lately. I hope things work out for the best. If worse comes to worse you can pick up everything you have and move to Sautee where no one will ask and you can ride mountain bikes, camp, hike and work a cheesy job to pay the bills and perhaps put a buck or two in your pocket. But more than anything you can become a hermit….wasn’t that one of your choices prior to going to Stanford? Just letting you know, I say hello and I care. Hope you will have a better sleep tonight.