Ok, so I had an entry all written, but then this woman came in to check the configuration of a piece of software, and she restarted my computer, and poof! The entry was gone. So I will retype what I remember.
The half marathon gave us “finisher” sweatshirts, and I have been wearing mine pretty much non-stop since Sunday morning. Well, ok, I didn’t wear it to work today, but I’ll probably put it on again as soon as I go home. The design is actually sort of ugly (red and black on a white sweatshirt, who wants a white sweatshirt, I mean, that’s just asking to get filthy), but I am so proud of myself for running the thing that I wear it proudly anyway. I am probably going to sign up for the Austin half marathon in a month, since Buzz and Ron are already going and have invited me to share the hotel room. I am really, really tempted to enter the full marathon. I probably couldn’t run the whole way, but even if I walked some, I could finish well within the 8 hour time limit. I could probably keep pace with the 5-hour pace team… Very tempting.
My official time, as listed on the race website, was 2:15:01. I’m just going to round down to 2:15.
I had a wonderful MLK day off work yesterday, sleeping till 10:30 and staying in my PJs until almost 2:00. I bummed around the ol’ apartment, vacuumed, straightened up, did some rearranging of the front closet to make it possible to find things in, watched Spiderman on HBO. I had very little post-race soreness, and by evening I was ready to get out of the house, so I went rock climbing with Betsy and Jason! I finally remembered to pull out the camera and take some pictures of us doing battle with the wall, so those of you who don’t live here, or don’t climb, can finally see the rock gym that I’m always talking about on Tuesdays. Last night was sparsely attented, so I’ll have to take more pictures in the future when Buzz, Becca, Gavin, Fred, and others come.
That’s it for now. This week is going to throw me off, since I keep forgetting it’s actually Tuesday instead of Monday. But that’s not really a complaint so much as an observation.