when i was in 9th or 10th grade, a male friend of mine gave me a pair of plaid boxer shorts for christmas. i had the most enormous crush on him at the time, but was too clueless to realize that giving a girl a pair of men’s underwear might have been his way of saying something. i don’t even know what the guy is doing these days, but i still have the pair of boxers, as i realized this last night when i pulled them on as pajamas and climbed into bed. i’m all but certain that they’re the oldest item of clothing i own.
it struck me as funny, somehow, and i laughed though a lot of high school memories as i fell asleep.
but before that, i headed over to the west side of houston to have dinner with a bunch of tech alumni. it was fun, and especially nice to see liz. we did our traditional “we live in the same city but never see each other” lament, emphasized this time by the fact that the last time we saw each other was actually in atlanta at james and chrissy’s wedding.
oh well. one of the guys there had a bunch of 2002 and 2003 team buzz shirts to get rid of, and so i mentioned that katie is team buzz chair for next year. this may have been a mistake, as he grabbed my hand and shook vigorously, saying something about how i could organize the houston event. uh oh.
not much else to say today. there’s a lot on tap for the weekend–dinner party, followed by normal party, as well as a 5-miler and two soccer games.