so last night was frustrating. i show up at the soccer fields at 7:20 for our co-ed 7:30 game. there are exacly 3 other people there. 10 minutes later, there are only 6 of us there, and it’s starting to rain. it’s also windy and chilly, and we’re ready to either start running around, or cancel the game altogether. but no one else from our team shows up. so finally it’s almost 8:00, and we forfeit the game. so basically, i paid $5 in ref fees (which the refs get to keep, because we forfeited) to go stand in the blowing rain for half an hour.
i was quite annoyed.
with the game cancelled though, i came home and had quite an evening. i took advantage of the extra time to pop in the extended version of “the two towers” that i borrowed from chris; i wanted to watch it again before “return of the king” comes out on wednesday.
good lord, what a movie. it was only the second time i’d seen it; the first time was in the theater last december. i put in the disc thinking i’d only watch the first disc last night, since it was already almost 10:00 and i knew how long the thing was. but next thing i knew, it was almost 2 a.m. and i had watched the entire thing! the 3.5+ hour film just flew by in what seemed like minutes, and only reinforced my opinion that peter jackson and company have simply done a freaking amazing job with the lord of the rings movies. they are absolutely stunning to watch, and rewatch. they suck you in. wow! i was so keyed up after the movie ended that i couldn’t go to bed, i mean, how can you sleep after watching the battle of helm’s deep?? i burned another hour watching some of the dvd extras, and finally crashed around 3. whew.
anyway. just wanted to exclaim about the movie. off to do some christmas shopping!