it’s been a depressing baseball offseason so far, in my opinion, with the braves cutting ties with maddux, sheffield, and javy (waaah!), and the astros trading away billy wagner and his 100 mph fastball. but today the astros are signing andy pettitte, so at least that’s a positive thing for one of the two teams i follow closely.
last night we went downtown to see nunsense. i’d never even heard of the show until carter’s dad did it a while ago with some of his girls, and i heard how much kent laughed. so i heard it was coming to houston, and got a group together. it was indeed quite funny, but the performances were so-so. there were only two women who really stood out; the rest weren’t really singers as much as they were actresses. i think i would rather have seen the mcintosh kids perform it. ah well.
joey’s alphabet game is my office’s current obsession. using our combined retail and corporate logo knowledge, we’ve gotten 17 of 26.
tonight is the houston georgia tech club holiday dinner (mexican food, oddly and yet appropriately enough). it should be fun, as i’ll get to see liz and grace and bing. yes, they all live in the same city as me, and no, i never see them. it’s absurd, and simply begs the refrain of “houston is too big.” sigh.
work is annoying me. we’re creating a footprint for a single well-defined object, and yet the process involves at least 6 different people each doing one little part. it seems like we should have a single tool that will do everything; that would be so much more efficient. i dunno. it’s just been one of those weeks where i feel like work is making me dumber. it probably wouldn’t bug me as much if i wasn’t so short on patience at the moment, and if i didn’t feel tired and achy. with all the december and christmas stuff going on outside of work, i have too much to do, and not enough time to do it all. does anyone have a good idea for a present for a grandmother?? sigh.
i just keep reminding myself that in a week, i will be home!