merry christmas one and all! it has been a great day so far here in charlotte. we had a big family breakfast at 9; dad was home from work before i even got up, which was quite a feat for him. afterwards we hurried to open presents so that david could go to work at 11:45. he gets paid time and a half for working holidays, so he always works christmas day.
i got a lot of great stuff. a calendar, books, jewelry, a shirt and cropped exercise pants from ll bean, gloves (which i totally need), a set of charlie brown holiday dvds from david, a cool tote bag and map of rocky mountain national park from brian, risk (the game) from katie, money from grandmother…and of course the two pieces de la resistance–a climbing harness and rock shoes, woohoo! no more paying to rent ill-fitting shoes and a stretched out harness from the rock gym!
everyone liked their presents from me i think. i got the two towers dvd set for david, a pretty candle hanging thing from greece for katie, an rei gift certificate for brian, paperwhites for grandmother, two books for dad, and running tights and a picture in a sarah-decored frame for mom. i love giving people good presents.
i tried to update yesterday, but diaryland was down. gasp. anyway, we didn’t do much. read, watched katie’s new “finding nemo” dvd, worked on squares for my t-shirt quilt, went to the 11:00 service at church. when mr. east told me there is no santa claus, i feigned shock and disappointment. he gave me a hug while saying “for a rocket scientist, you’re not very smart!” hee hee.
off for a christmas day walk with mom.