so if you didn’t read my entry yesterday, you will have to go back and check it out. it has little to do with thanksgiving, and everything to do with the fact that i finally broke the 30-minute mark (29:28!) at the turkey trot 5k yesterday morning. i am so pumped. i have been telling everyone, probably to the point of annoyance, but it’s just because i am so excited that i finally did it.
thanksgiving was lovely though. after the run, i came home, showered, and headed over to becca’s house for kennda’s brunch (though i think it really should have been called lunch). she had a lot of “non-traditional” things to eat: quiche (made by a german), turkey sweet potato hash, salmon cakes (made by becca’s friend david), brie (which i didn’t think i liked, but it turns out that i do), and more. it was all yummy, and the table was set just-so, and everything was prim and proper. the conversation was interesting too, since there were only 10 people, and at least 3 countries represented (the u.s., germany, and sri lanka). there was also one very cute 5 1/2 month old baby who is going to grow up speaking three languages. wow.
from there, i went back home for a couple hours to make my sweet potato casserole. while i was baking, i had the air conditioning on because it was about 75 and humid outside, and my apartment was hot with the oven on. however, by this morning, i had the heat on because it dropped to the low 40s outside. i am sick of this crazy weather! i wish it would just stay cool.
anyway, my sweet potatoes finished and i headed over to paul and josh’s for thanksgiving dinner. theirs was quite a contrast to the prettiness of kennda’s brunch, with all of us just sitting around a table (without place settings or centerpieces) and serving ourselves from the bar, but it was great. we ate turkey (which turned out very well after all our worrying about paul and josh’s inability to thaw it, much less actually cook it–thank you 1-800-butterball!), my sweet potatoes, david and becca’s stuffing and pumpkin pie, chris’s artichoke cheese thingys, james’s chocolate pie, and more. chris also brought some very strong bourbon balls, nacho uncorked a bottle of 40 proof port, and there was champagne, so a good time was had by all. especially nacho. it was all great, and by the time 8:30 rolled around, i was both very full and very tired.
so it was a good day. even though i don’t go home for the holiday anymore, i still end up having great thanksgiving celebrations. i was busy all day, but it still felt relaxing; i think it’s just the magic of thanksgiving. it’s hard to feel stressed when you are eating great food and laughing with your friends. it just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.