betsy and buzz say i’m too hard on myself when we go rock climbing. i want too much too fast; i have trouble being patient in trying a route over and over and over again; i view resting on the rope as failure instead of a means to an end, which is the hope of eventually climbing the route in a single effort.
i’m starting to realize that maybe i’m too hard on myself in other aspects of my life as well. self-motivation is better with a bit of moderation, i suppose.
i am so stressed out. the stress i was feeling pre-greece has returned. i am exhausted, and have much to do. i haven’t caught up on sleep since i got back because i’ve had three straight nights of activity–soccer, rock climbing, volleyball. thankfully, last night were the final 2 games of our volleyball season, and i don’t plan on returning. instead, i think i’ll trade tuesday volleyball for friday soccer. or maybe just nothing. maybe i just need to scale back.
on the bright side, all the stress and hectic-ness abated while i was soaking up some mediterranean sunshine and climbing around some really cool rocks. last night, as promised, i did post some commentary and pictures from the trip. my mom has already requested more, so i’ll try to comply in a week or two.
and while we’re on the bright side, the first run-through of my intern pitch went very well yesterday afternoon. despite the fact that i finished the presentation only minutes before the dry run, and hadn’t even been able to mentally go through the slides in order, i did a good job on the fly. my bosses and coworkers had only minor suggestions, and despite the bulky 31-slide presentation, i managed to talk it all in only 23 minutes. (i know that goes against the one minute per slide rule, but trust me, 31 slides is as small as it’s gonna get.) we are allotted “approximately 20 minutes,” which allows about 10 minutes for questions. so with a couple more practices, i will be set to jet off to atlanta for the weekend and not worry about the presentation till showtime on monday.
i am really looking forward to seeing my sister this weekend. my mom sent me two pictures in the mail yesterday, so i figure it’s time to share the news here on my journal: my sister got engaged about a month and a half ago! i get to be maid of honor when they get married after they graduate from tech in 2005, and i am so excited. here she is with joel:

aren’t they cute?