the woman who lives in the apartment beneath mine apparently has a new boyfriend. a new boyfriend who likes to park parallel to the road behind both her garage and my garage (thus blocking me in) instead of in the visitor’s parking spots that are literally 20 feet away. i first noticed his large, white suburban on monday when i got back from atlanta and went home at 9:30 a.m. to change clothes before coming to work. that day, i just parked in the visitor’s spot and forgot all about it. but today i walked out to find myself completely blocked in my garage, hemmed in on all sides by the building, my neighbor’s car, some bushes, and my neighbor’s boyfriend’s car. sigh.
i knocked on her door, and 5 minutes later the boyfriend finally appeared to move his car, looking slightly annoyed. perhaps i should have just had him towed; that might have annoyed him less, eh?
now i know i’ve been out of town for much of the last month, and maybe she thought i moved out or something, but seriously–is it really necessary to park where you’re blocking someone’s garage when there’s a legitimate visitor’s spot 20 feet away?
people are weird.
i feel obliged to mention cari today, since she says being mentioned in anyone’s diary is a huge highlight for her. ah, she is still so new to the online diary thing that she still gets excited about it!
just kidding, cari. thanks for adoring me and being amused by me. i do what i can.
james also mentioned me the other day in an entry pondering the blogging/diaryland community. he said i am most likely to read his blog, which i take as victory over carter and christina, who are my obsessive blog-reading competition. (i knew james was updating again even before he advertised the fact, so ha!) his observation that there always seems to be something stirring in my soul was interesting. i liked his wording. i guess i do have a tendency for the melodramatic when i write things down. i’ve stopped trying to fight it; it’s easier that way.
well, this has been a waste of an entry, yes? only because i really didn’t do anything last night except run errands. bought a new dvd (bend it like beckham), scoped out the new super target (ah, heaven), bought a case for my ipod so i can go running with it, bought a usb cord for the ipod (even the cords come in cute little boxes! i want to buy all the accessories just for the cute little boxes!!), bought a scrapbook for greece stuff, finally bought some new towels to replace the ones that mysteriously disappeared when i moved a couple months ago (dude, seriously, they disappeared, i have no idea what happened to them). then came home to watch my new indulgence–the o.c.
for the past day or so i have been deep in a classical/instrumental music mood. i put all of my classical mp3s onto my ipod last night, so i can listen to lovely music all day. i’m currently listening to alfred reed’s “russian christmas music,” which got stuck in my head yesterday despite not having heard it in at least a year. it’s called christmas music, but it doesn’t conjure christmas for me. it’s a lovely 15-minute piece that we played it in band in high school; i liked it then, and i like it now.
gotta go do some “real” work now.