our plane leaves this afternoon, and since about 7:00 last night i have been in traditional sarah-traveling-frenzy mode.
i don’t really know why i get so stressed out just before going somewhere, but there’s no arguing the fact that i do. and it seems like the farther away i’m going, the worse it gets. since we’re going to greece, which will be the farthest away i’ve ever been, the frenzy is at a max. not to mention that there is the worry of strikes that are currently ongoing in athens. hopefully the taxi drivers will get over it in time to be ready to drive us around! eek eek eek.
but i have my passport and i have underwear, and really, those are the two essentials, right?
anyway. we fly direct from houston to frankfurt, where we have a four hour layover during which i’m sure we’ll sleep on the airport floor or something similarly uncomfortable. then we hop on a flight to athens, finally arriving around 5:00 greece-time on saturday. we’ll find karen, eat something, and crash at the hostel. then it’s exploring athens, going to santorini, maybe another island, maybe delphi, maybe meteora…we don’t really have a plan. that’s what the 14 hour flight is for.
we get back on the 19th and will be back at work on the 20th. i’ll update then.