i walked into rich and george’s office this morning and announced that “my finger is fatter!” and to think, instead of sympathy, they laughed. the nerve!
seriously though, my finger is fatter. i think it is sprained. it exhibits all the symptoms of a sprained finger–tenderness, swelling, uncomfortable to bend. and yet i have no idea how to treat a sprained finger. do i splint it? that would make it hard to type. do i tape it? maybe, but i don’t know how. i feel like if i just wait, it will get better. but then again, it’s been like two weeks…
ok. an internet search says i should tape it to another finger. i don’t know how i’m supposed to type with two fingers taped together. i guess i’ll experiment this weekend.
plans for the weekend include a movie tonight, the toyota center open house followed by a baseball game tomorrow, and nothing on sunday. it’s been raining for two days now, but hopefully it will clear up for the weekend. with any luck, we can repeat last weekend’s gorgeousness. and avoid hurricane isabel’s wrath next week.
so i’ve got a new task at work that should be a fun change from footprints. i’ll still be doing footprints, of course, but yesterday i was asked if i was interested in joining the mars science laboratory (msl, a rover planned for launch in 2009) team. so i get to do mars stuff; that should be cool. i get the next month and a half or so to learn and train and get up to speed, and then i will start supporting the entry guidance team.
i’m tired.