Turns out we had a bye in volleyball last night, so I ended up going to the Astros-Cubs game with Jason and Debbie. Jason scored 3 tickets from someone he works with. Tonight I’m going after Rich turned in unused season tickets for extra seats. I don’t really know why everyone suddenly has extra baseball tickets, especially for this series against the Cubs since it’s ripe with playoff implications. And thus should theoretically be harder to get tickets to. But I guess since it’s in the middle of the week and all… Anyway. I really can’t complain, as I’m getting two nights of baseball in a row, and that’s always a good thing, even if it does leave me sleepy the next day.
Last night I came home from the game and had planned to go directly to bed, but I ended up turning on the Braves-Giants game. The score was 2-2 when I turned it on, but Javy promptly hit a 2-run homer to put the Braves ahead. Hooray! Then Ortiz gave up a homer. Uh oh. Then Hodges came in from the bullpen and ended up wild-pitching a run in. Tie game, 4-4, on to extra innings. The Braves couldn’t score in the top of the 10th, and wouldn’t you know it, first up for the Giants in the bottom was one Mr. Barry Bonds. Facing Ray King. Ugh. Whyyyyyy is Ray King still even pitching? I hate him. Every time I see the bullpen give away a game, it always seems to be King on the mound. Him, or Hernandez. Ugh.
Anyway, I’m sure you can all guess what happened. King pitches to Bonds, Bonds swings, and hits a monster home run into McCovey Cove. Game over.
Sigh. At least Bonds is on my fantasy team. But I’d rather the Braves had won.
This morning I am all enamored with materials science after reading an article about man-made diamonds that Christina linked to. It was extremely interesting. Combine this with the blurb I read in Outside magazine last night about all the cool outdoors-y things you could make a career out of with a materials science degree, and I’m now entertaining flighty thoughts of a total career change.