i’m typing these words while lying on my stomach, legs stretched out behind me, on the floor of my study. or what used to be my study. in any case, i’m sure this position is completely ergonomically incorrect.
i guess i’m living in my new apartment now. i still have the keys to this one, and there are still things here–i have yet to move all the clothes from my closet, or move all the dishes from my kitchen–but there isn’t an ounce of furniture in here anymore. within the span of an hour or so, it all got moved over to the new place, with much help from matt, stephanie, rich, gavin, jen, becca, and betsy. the boys did a lot of the heavy lifting, including the couch (which went out a lot easier than it came in, it seemed) and the dresser and the bed. tonight, i moved all the bathroom stuff and shower curtain over, so i won’t even be using the bathroom here anymore.
i don’t actually have to be completely out of this apartment until next sunday. but i’m leaving town on friday, and didn’t want to move during the week. tomorrow i hope to move everything else over to the new place. it’s mostly clothes and dishes left, so it shouldn’t take too long, and becca even said she’d come back over to help. payback for doing her floor last weekend. 🙂
i am sort of sad to be moving. my new apartment is fine, and a part of me is excited about the change. but another part is sad. and disappointed. the new place is smaller. two of my bookshelves had to go in a closet because there isn’t enough space. they’ll be just as useful in the closet, but still… my living room is more cramped now, with not nearly as much floor space, and no perfect place for the papasan. there’s no way to arrange the living room so that the tv faces the kitchen either, so no more watching baseball across the bar while i leisurely make my dinner.
but it will be ok. it will take some getting used to, but it will be ok.