our work is trickling into the news again. there were articles in the houston chroncle and orlando sentinel today, as well as one in yesterday’s florida today. i recommend the orlando sentinel article, as it contains the most educated information.
yesterday i went to another very interesting meeting. i never would have guessed that the workings of upper management (at least when it comes to issues that i have a role in) are so fascinating. it makes me want to work my way up to that point. sort of.
last night i did a bit of shopping, but didn’t have much luck. i am in search of something to wear to james and chrissy’s wedding, and am sort of at a loss as to what to get. i’ve never been to a wedding that i haven’t had my dress picked out for me (i.e. as a member of the wedding party) except for ron and buzz’s back in april. but i think their wedding was much more casual than this one will be. i have no idea what i need to wear; i only know that i probably don’t own something currently, since 99% of my clothes are either for normal use or work use, and the other 1% are formal dresses that would be too fancy for a wedding. hmm.
i wish there were good movies coming out this weekend. i feel like i haven’t seen nearly enough good movies lately. i guess that is to be expected in the summer. time to retreat to my video and dvd collection.
jen is going to yosemite this weekend to climb half dome. ahh, half dome. i have such fond memories of my trip there, and would love to go do it again someday. in the meantime, i’m just here in houston trying to get into even better shape. actually, it has been a great week of workouts. sunday i swam, monday i biked. tuesday and wednesday nights were busy, but last night i ellipticalled. if i go running tomorrow, i’ll have a grand slam.
i do love that on any given day i can swim, bike, run, or elliptical (which is sort of like running, but different, so i count it differently). it keeps my workouts interesting. and variety is the spice of life.