cari has lost all the props i gave her a few weeks ago when she recognized the movie quote. why? because she started her own online journal, and sent an email out to everyone annoucing it…everyone, that is, except me. thus, cari is a punk. instead, i had to hear it from betsy, as she was telling me how she went and read all of my july entries and felt like she was stalking me. she also said that after reading she felt like she should get me a psychiatrist, but i think she was joking. i reassured her that in writing, i have a tendency to overdramatize.
hi betsy. if you had smacked the girls behind us at the concert last night, i would definitely have written about it here today.
last night kylie, betsy, katie, fred and i went up to the compaq center for the michelle branch/dixie chicks concert (the former was “only” the opening act). it was really good. i enjoyed hearing some new songs from michelle branch, since i haven’t gone out and bought her new album yet. and the dixie chicks just as good as they were when i saw them three years ago…maybe better, actually. their talent sort of amazes me. they’ve got one girl who can sing her heart out over and over and over again without ever seeming to have an off night, and the other two are simply amazing musicians. there’s probably not an instrument with strings that they can’t play, and play well.
anyway, i guess i can still add a link to cari’s page. and all of you who miss hearing about france ever since nick came back can now read about cari’s adventures, since she’ll be in strasbourg starting soon. i don’t know if she’ll take pictures every day, but if she does, i’m sure she’ll be much more descriptive in her writing than someone was. hee.
and if you don’t want to go read hers right now, i will give you this highly-appropriate quote: “I have been planning to [start a diary] so that I can keep everyone up-to-date on my Great French Adventure without sending off massive e-mails now and then and mortally offending someone by leaving them off of the list.”
i am so mortally offended.
hmm. today’s entry is random. muchos apologies.