i came to three conclusions yesterday.
you know how you feel when you accomplish something great, or make some discovery, or just have something really fantastic happen, and you’re alone but you’re just so excited that you have to call someone right that minute to share the feeling or else you’ll burst? yeah? well, i think there is no feeling in the world quite as good as being the person that receives that phone call.
(that’s the first thing.onward.)
last night as i was straightening up, i was also watching espn’s “outside the lines,” since it comes on right after sportscenter and all. during the 10-15 minute segment about the sammy sosa/corked bat issue, i came to the following two conclusions (neither of which has anything to do with sammy himself):
1) rick reilly is an idiot. carter’s been saying this for years, and last night i finally realized exactly why it was bad enough to make him to cancel his sports illustrated subscription (reilly writes the last-page column in every issue). he was on the show to discuss sammy sosa, and instead just sat there for five minutes talking about how boring baseball is and how it’s so slow and how no one wants to play it or watch it anymore. he annoyed me.
plus, he looks a lot older and uglier in person than he does in his presumably airbrushed magazine headshot. heh.
2) jose canseco is also an idiot. he was on the show a little later, also to discuss the corking issue, and when the host asked him the lead-off question of basically “does sammy’s story hold water,” canseco went on a tirade about how the media and baseball powers-that-be are conspiring against minority players, and that if it were a “protected” white player like cal ripken jr. or mark mcgwire, no one would make a big deal out of a corked bat. he said the coverage of sammy’s corked bat was an attack on minorities, and then followed by saying he had tons of evidence about how minorities are discriminated against in baseball, and how the bad actions of white players are overlooked. and yet he refused to give any specifics, simply saying that it would all be explained in his forthcoming book.
first of all, i disagree that minorities are treated differently than white guys, as many of the best players currently in the game are minorities–sosa, griffey, guerrero, soriano, pedro, bonds, sheffield, pujols, ichiro, etc. not to mention that there has been plenty of controversy surrounding white guys, even mcgwire and the whole andro debate. no one is out to get sammy. fact is, there was cork in his bat! now, i agree that it could have been an honest mistake, but fact remains that there was cork. it’s not some vast conspiracy.
second of all, jose, making sweeping claims without evidence to back them up, and saying “it will all become clear when i publish my book,” just makes you look dumb.
i hate it when people go off half-cocked. he wouldn’t even let the host get in a word edgewise. he just went on a rant on national tv. great.
people who have online diaries or so-called daily pages but never update them in a timely manner frustrate me. yes, this is a pointed comment.