man, what a day. in less than 6 hours i’ve offended gavin by interrupting him, made becca believe that i am anti-women, and been inspired by an hour with a friend i hadn’t seen in 5 years and who is now on her way back to l.a. not bad, sarah, not bad.
anyway. to flesh out that paragraph, here are the explanations: i interrupted gavin with “my brain is fuzzy, i should go home” just as he was starting to explain something to me, but i apologized. becca thought i was anti-feminism and anti-title 9; after more discussion, apparently i am not against feminism or title 9, i just have different ideas of how people should go about trying to implement change, and i think feminists sometimes pick the wrong battles, and i think that if there’s enough interest to have, say, a men’s wrestling team, then a school should be able to have a men’s wrestling team without having to think about what that does to the men’s/women’s team ratio. and i saw my friend loretta, who i haven’t seen since i was on like my second co-op tour, and had a good long inspiring talk with her about space and life in general, and now she’s headed back home to l.a. and maybe i’ll see her again in another five years.
so yeah, i haven’t gotten much done today. my sims are still running. almost done…
the soccer game last night was awesome. (i realized i may not have explained–last night was a game between the u.s. and mexican national men’s teams, an exhibition or “friendly” game, but since the u.s. beat mexico 2-0 last year in the world cup, the mexicans were billing it as “revancha en la cancha,” revenge on the field. plus, houston has such a large hispanic community that having this game here was just huge…people have been looking forward to it for weeks. here‘s an article about it.)
the game ended in a 0-0 tie, so the only disappointment was that we didn’t get to see any goals, but despite being scoreless, i’ve never been to any sporting event where that many people stayed that loud for that long. it was crazy!! our seats were at mid-field about 30 rows back, and we were on our feet–as if it were a college football game–for something like 88 of the 90 minutes in the game. the crowd was overwhelmingly pro-mexico, but there were enough people rooting for the americans that we weren’t drowned out entirely. and unlike those games where they say it’s sold out but you can spot tons of empty seats in the stands, this game was sold out. i swear there wasn’t an empty seat in the entire building, not even way up in the rafters. 70,000 people. wow.
i have to say, reliant stadium looked really nice with a soccer field. it would be awesome if houston attracted some more exhibition games, or even world cup games.
it was awesome.