first off, i apologize to all the fans (or maybe just debbie and my dad) for not posting yesterday. i do, however, have a very good excuse. yesterday we all took a break from the office to, as one of the guys down the hall so eloquently puts it, “do some trajectory analysis on a small white dimpled sphere.”
yup, half my branch wasn’t at work yesterday because it was time for the annual lso golf tournament! i’d never played real golf (i.e. not putt-putt) in my life, but it was a lot of fun, despite the fact that my foursome (becca, rich, ray and me) came in dead last. actually, the other descent analysis foursome of gavin, jen, matt and george finished first after managing to do really badly on the handicap holes and really well on all the others ones. (as opposed to my team, where we somehow made par on most of the handicap holes, but imploded on the others, including the last hole where we had to take rich’s drive, and he drove a total of about 10 yards…into the weeds.
as for me, i actually played pretty well. and the women’s tee had such an advantage over the men’s that we ended up using 6 of my drives and 6 of becca’s! about halfway through the course, though, i pretty much gave up on using any irons, and hit almost solely with either a wood or my putter, much to the amusement of the others. stupid irons. i can’t hit with them.
also, i am really sunburned.
here are a couple pictures:
this is rich and me clowning around on our golf cart. rich is sitting in the driver’s seat at this moment, but i was actually the one who drove the whole day. i love driving the cart. we went over about every bump i could find, including on the 14th hole where there were these mogul-ish mounds on one side of the fairway. ah, the golf cart. so much fun.
this is ray and becca early in the day. note ray’s slightly scared expression, a direct result of becca’s one-handed golf cart driving.
anyway. it was a fun time. perhaps i’ll have to play again sometime. becca and i think that next year we should form an all-woman team of me, her, jen, and maybe laurie. by sheer virtue of being able to hit from the women’s tees, we might have a good chance at winning.
after golf, we had lunch and caught an afternoon show of the matrix reloaded. it was pretty good. not “ohmygodwowfreakingamazing” good, but pretty good. i enjoyed it. i agree with the reviews that say that these next two matrix movies will have lost the element of surprise…the part that made audiences go “whoa! how did they do that?!” when the first one came out four year ago. it’s not as spectacular to see the slow motion bullet-time cinematography anymore. but it’s still cool.
last night i had softball at the same time the moon was being eclipsed, so we did both at once. watched the moon, and played a softball game. for the first time in a few weeks, i finally got a really good hit, over the infielders and dropping in front of the outfielders. a lot of times i end up on base because of a fielder’s choice, or because someone drops the ball or throws it wildly, or just doesn’t move fast enough. but last night i had my first legitimate hit in a while. that made me happy.
and tomorrow i’m supposed to go sailing as the last part of my class! cool.