today just ain’t my day.
first, i went to kroger to pick up a few things i forgot last week, like granola bars and an air freshener. i got all the way up to the self checkout when i realized that my wallet wasn’t in my purse. i’d been entering receipts into my money software this morning, and forgot to put my wallet back in my purse!! dang. so i put my basket off to the side and had to drive home, get my wallet, drive back to kroger, and pay for my stuff.
then i had grand plans to go biking with becca this afternoon. see, becca’s debating whether to do the triathlon or not. she’s good with the swimming and running, but she hates biking. but she was going to give it a try today. so the plan was for me to ride over to her house, pick her up, we’d ride about 5 miles round trip with a break at starbucks in the middle, and then i’d ride back home. it’d be a good training ride for me, and a good ride for becca to get reacquainted with her nemesis, the bicycle.
as a side note, i must say that in the week since i bought my new bike, i’ve had the passing thought on multiple occasions that i should really go buy one of those mini-pump and tire patch under-seat bag kits, just to have with me while i ride. just in case, you know.
well i’m sure you can all guess what happened.
it’s almost exactly 6 miles from my apartment to becca’s house. at mile 5.6, i hear a “pop” signifying that ran over something. immediately i glance down at my tires, but they appear fine. relieved, i keep riding. at mile 5.8, i suddenly hear a “whoosh” followed quickly by a constant buzzing noise. i look at my front tire. ok. i look at my back tire. flat as a pancake.
the good news was that i was only .2 miles (and really only .1 miles when i pick up my bike, carry it over the median and cut through the cul-de-sac) from becca’s house. i walked my bike over and enter the house sweaty and annoyed. despite the fact that it is really freaking hot outside today, i think becca was disappointed not to be able to ride a bit. we’re going to try again tomorrow night.
in any case, after playing fetch with apache and bennett and oohing over the adorable puppies, we loaded my bike into her car and drove me to bike barn (though we did hit starbucks on the way in keeping with our original plan). they put a new tube in my tire, adjusted the gears for me, and i bought a little kit with an under-seat bag, hex wrench, patching stuff, and a mini-pump that attaches under my water bottle cage. so now i’m all good and next time i get a flat, i’ll be able to fix it myself. not to mention that the little bag now gives me a place to stuff my cell phone and ID when i go out riding, for use in the case of a true emergency.
anyway. it’s just not my day. but things will be lovely in a few hours because…i am going to a james taylor concert! woohoo! with my luck today, he probably won’t play “carolina on my mind” or something, which is my all-time favorite james taylor song. and quite possibly my all-time favorite song, period.
but i hope he will.