waiting on sims and matlab is like the story of my life at work. ah well. the end is near, i think. we have a meeting at 12:30 today to discuss the final reports. soon, it will be almost like columbia never happened.
as if we could ever really forget.
last night i did a whole lot of nothing. this would be more impressive if i’d gotten home from work before 6:45, but oh well. anyway, i got home, fixed myself some dinner, and did nothing for the rest of the night. yes, i was going to go to orchestra rehearsal, and i didn’t. my excuse is that they were having practice somewhere different, and i didn’t know where the new place was. the real reason is that they were having practice somewhere different, and i didn’t make any effort to find out where the new place was. sigh. i’m such a wuss.
actually, i did try to do one productive thing last night, which was putting up a new picture on the wall in my study. in doing so, i broke the glass in the frame. daunted, i retreated to watching tv on the couch. some evenings that’s all i can muster.
regardless, i was still up until midnight, and am sleepy today. i’ve been having a lot of trouble getting to bed before midnight for the past week and a half. i don’t know why. it’s annoying.
(9:28 a.m.)
random. the fire alarm just went off. but now we’re all back inside. i wish we had fire drills in the afternoon, when i actually need a break.
i think in order to really see how hard you played in a soccer game, you have to wait a day or so and watch the bruises appear. yesterday i had one on my right thigh, another on my left ankle, and another right under my chin. yes, my chin. sheesh.