this week has gone by quickly, and yet i don’t feel like i’ve gotten much accomplished. i’ve spent the past two days hunting through code and am still no closer to figuring out how to apply gram dispersions to the dao atmosphere. sigh.
this light above my computer desk is still burned out. i didn’t think it would bother me, but it makes me feel like it’s permanently either a) dark outside or b) overcast, despite the fact that my office doesn’t even have a window and i’ve never been able to see outside to begin with. anyway. it’s sort of a downer.
i didn’t sleep very well last night, as evidenced by the fact that i had some really weird dreams. i think maybe i was too warm. i haven’t turned on the air conditioning yet in an effort to avoid expensive electricity bills for as long as possible, but i may not be able to last much longer. it’s not the temperature, it’s the humidity. it’s usually pleasant outside, but my apartment is always warmer and stickier at night than it is outside, even when i open the windows.
my life has become so boring.
i watched dawson’s creek last night. seeing as how the show is about to end, i figure i can watch it into the grave just liked i watched it all along. but it’s really gone downhill. i don’t really care about the stories or the characters anymore. and joey, who i always identified with the most, now just acts dumb and never grows up. last night her boy toy told her he was taking her to europe for the summer, and she was all excited, until she decided that going to europe was just running away from her problems, and interrupting her “real” life and that it was just too much living-in-the-moment for her to handle. sigh. give me a break, fictional joey. it’s a freaking vacation, you have a summer off from college, who cares if you’re broke, everyone in college is broke, and hello, going to europe isn’t escapism and it’s not going to ruin your life. say it with me: vacation!
yes, i know it’s a stupid tv show. but i had to roll my eyes last night. and laugh.
volleyball practice and softball tonight. softball isn’t until 9:00, which is the absolute worst time for a game just because it’s so late. i mean, i get off work, go home, fix dinner, run errands…do everything i need to do, and then i still end up sitting around going “is it time for softball yet??” oh well. hopefully this week i will hit better than last week!
the guys in eg just sent an email saying they don’t know enough to break into the gram code to make the atmosphere modifications we need to make. hmm. if they and their combined 30 years of experience don’t know how to do it, i doubt i’m going to figure it out. there must be another way…