becca must have been really bored on friday evening, because i walked in this morning to see her desk so clean i wondered if she’d been fired. wow. so as my computer is starting up, i’m sitting here in the dark, because the damn light above my computer desk still hasn’t been replaced and i’m thinking about stealing a bulb from some other light… anyway, i’m sitting here looking at becca’s clean desk when i see a stapler sitting on top of a manila folder. “hmm, that’s cool, becca finally got her own stapler,” i think to myself. “now she won’t have to keep stealing mine all the time.” i pause, realizing what i just thought. i look at my desk. no stapler. i look at her desk. stapler. my stapler. she is an office supply thief!!
i am like the guy in office space. all he wants is his stapler.
anyway. i have been visiting the exercise room at my apartment complex a lot more since they got elliptical machines, and since i decided that maybe the only way to get rid of my shin splints is to reduce the amount of running that i do. so last night i went in and started ellipticalling, and the guys that were already in there had the tv on a really horrid show, so i ended up just watching the guys instead.
workout rooms amuse me. i like them best when they’re mostly or entirely empty and i can work out on my own schedule, at my own pace, watching whatever i want on tv. but when they’re full, i usually entertain myself by finding the person who has come not out of concern for his physical fitness, but out of boredom, or a desire to show off. last night there was this really skinny guy lifting weights that were too heavy for him. this was evidenced by his grimace and the fact that he could only do about 5 reps before taking a break. each time he took a break, he would walk over and get on the elliptical machine next to mine and go for about 3 minutes. then back to the weights. then back to the elliptical for another 3 minutes. back and forth. i also think he had never used the elliptical machine before, because he looked just like i did the first time i got on it–clutching the bars for support, and looking very unsure about the motion it puts your legs through.
also, before i went to the workout room, i watched this really cool two-hour special on the national geographic channel called “surviving everest.” it was about peter hillary, jamling norgay, and brett bishop (the sons of sir edmund hillary, tenzing norgay, and barry bishop) returning to everest this year, the 50th anniversary of hillary and norgay’s trip to the top and the 40th anniversary of bishop’s summit as a member of the first american team to make it to the top. it was a fantastic documentary. jamling norgay supported the team from base camp (after he climbed everest once in 1996, he promised his family he wouldn’t climb it again), and peter hillary and brett bishop both made it to the top. it was so cool, and the video was amazing. it boggles my mind to see video taken from the top of everest, and to see the tops of other 26,000+ foot mountains way down below eye level. crazy.
if i were in tip-top physical shape and had the money, climbing everest would totally be on my list of things to do.
(4:07 p.m.)
if people don’t quit promising footprint deliveries by certain dates without telling me, the person who actually does the dirty work required to make the footprints, i’m going to go postal.