one sentence summary of my weekend: yesterday was jam-packed, and today has been my time to recover.
yesterday began with my alarm clock blaring at 5:30 a.m. ugh. too early. but debbie had signed us up for a race that began at 7:30 in sugarland…and i hadn’t realized how far away sugarland was. on the map it looks so close! sigh.
anyway, the race was fun. it was actually a relay race, with everyone running 2.8 miles and passing off a pvc-pipe baton. jason did the first leg for us, with debbie second. i ran third, and gavin (our faster runner with a time of just over 20 minutes) brought it home. our team finished in a total time of one hour, 41 minutes, and change. i was happy because i did my leg in about 27:20, which is under 10 minutes a mile. hurrah! if it had been a 5k, i think i could have finished in under half an hour.
here’s a picture of our team after the race. i wonder if i could look any more unattractive after running. ugh. anyway, here:

after the race i had a soccer game. it was hot and sticky outside, and the long shower i took when i got home felt so good after being sweaty all morning. i relaxed by the pool for a few hours, and then got jason, debbie and becca to go to the aeros game with me. they’re in the minor league playoffs right now, and this was game 1 of the second round against the norfolk admirals. the game ended up tied 4-4, so we went to overtime. the first overtime period ended still tied, so we went to another overtime, where the aeros scored on a power play about 10 minutes in to win the game. cool. i have been all into hockey lately, and have discovered that it is really quite an entertaining game to watch. i need to learn the rules better so that i understand all the calls, though.
i was absolutely exhausted when i got home, so i slept till noon. carter doesn’t understand how i can still sleep till noon, but i maintain that if i’m tired enough, it’s never a problem. though i do have to admit that i should have just gotten up when i woke up for the first time today at 10:00. instead, i went back to sleep and as such have had that groggy, too-much-sleep type of hangover all day.
i got up, turned on the braves game (they won), and even got to watch the last inning of kevin millwood’s no-hitter! i was so excited to see him pitch that well, and sad that he had to do it in a phillies uniform instead of in atlanta. it’s really a shame the braves traded him.
i’m off to exercise. and it’s hot; i think i may have to turn on my a/c today.