jen’s volleyball team needed more players this season, so i volunteered. last night as i was driving to our first game, i struggled to remember the last time i actually played volleyball. i thought about it for the whole 10 minute drive, and finally concluded that the last time i played volleyball of any kind was sand volleyball during my second co-op tour (exactly 5 years ago), and the last time i played normal indoor volleyball was in 9th grade gym in 1993. yeah.
anyway, it was fun. none of my teams ever win, and this one is no different, but they’re not as bad as they told me they were. jen is actually pretty darn good, and everyone else usually can get the ball going in the right general direction. as for me, i found that i can bump just fine, and set decently, but can’t spike, and can only serve effectively 4 times out of 5. ah well. i’m sure i will improve.
i was at work until about 6:30 yesterday, trying to get a bunch of sim runs kicked off before i left, and then i had to rush to get something to fedex before 7. came home, changed clothes, went to volleyball. after volleyball i came home, did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine, and read for a while before heading to bed.
carter was commenting today about how hard it can be to have a life when you work full time. i have a similar feeling. there are nights when i want nothing more than to just come home and veg. and when i have nights like last night where i have tons of after-work things to do, i miss having down time. and yet i miss hanging out and doing social things too. i dunno. i think at some point, there’s an adjustment we make between being in college, where we had tons of free time, and working, where we see our free time shrink more every year. i do miss the days where i had two or three hours of class, and the rest of my time was up to me to spend however i saw fit. when 8+ hours are committed five days a week, goofing off and just enjoying little things becomes harder.
but not impossible. which is good.
i was going to write something else, but whatever it was has totally slipped my mind.