last night i instigated a spontaneous trip downtown to see the music man. i had been trying to organize a group to go this weekend, but it just was not working…people’s schedules didn’t complement each other, our soccer game conflicted with our original plans to go to a saturday matinee, etc etc. people kept dropping out or making other plans until there was really no one left anyway. but i really wanted to see the musical! it’s made this odd sort of presence in my life since january. nick played me songs from it, then it was on tv, then carter’s mom did a production of it with her kids…so i was set on finally seeing it. and after everyone backed out on me for the weekend, i was just going to go by myself.
but then i remembered that becca had wanted to go during the week. so we decided to spontaneously go last night, and even got jen to come along. girls night out. and the show was great! i’m so glad we went, because i absolutely loved it. the songs have been in my head all morning. “76 trombones in the big parade”…”gary indiana, gary indiana, gary indiana let me say it once again”…”that’s trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!”
anyway. i thoroughly enjoyed the show. there are two more shows coming to houston this spring that i also plan to see–aida in june, and mamma mia (to much excitement on my part, yay sweden) in april.
anyway. tonight is a huge party to kick off a weekend of pseudo bachelor party craziness for ron, while buzz is out of town. i think i’ll skip the strip club, but hang out for most of the rest of the activities.
(10:38 a.m.)
i just realized that i missed my 500th entry. this is diaryland entry #521. not bad for 20 months. and to think it all started with me being horribly depressed about leaving georgia tech, and wanting some way to chronicle the last days…
(6:01 p.m.)
sigh. i have no illusions. alas, i do not own work. no, work owns me. i am work’s slave, and i am afraid work has started to take perverse pleasure in slapping me around.
work: “it’s so nice outside, would you like to take the afternoon off?”
me: “yes, please, that would be great, and i’ve given you so many credit hours already.”
work: “ok, i think we could do that.”
me: “wow, that’s great, i love you, work.”
work: “HAHAHAHA i lied.” {slap} “not only can you not leave early, but you have to stay past 6:00…”
me: “but….”
work: “on a FRIDAY!!”
me: … {whimper}