cirque du soleil was awesome, as expected. i have been asking everyone what their favorite act was; mine was definitely the trampoline acrobats in the first act. ever since i was a kid, i’ve thought it would be cool to be able to do that type of gymnastics and acrobatics, and so i always love watching other people do it.
the stage slid back to reveal trampolines in the shape of an x, with pads on one end of the x. acrobats in sparkly gold costumes did all sorts of flips, handsprings, and other tricks up and down the trampolines, culminating in these huge spins and flips onto the pads. it was awesome. my other favorite, a close second to the trampoline acrobats, was another group of acrobats who flipped up, down, to and from these bendy, balance beam-like bars. the acrobats were cool, but it was also fun to watch the guys who were holding the beams, as they were the ones who had to make slight adjustments to make sure the flipper landed on the beam, and they had to absorb the force of the landing as well.
all in all very impressive. maybe i will run off and join the circus…
i did manage to make the first two hours of the fantasy baseball draft yesterday, and was pleased with the players i was able to draft in that time. i’m not so pleased with the players that were drafted for me after i left to go to cirque du soleil, but that’s life. we’ll see what happens.
anyway, there are more important things than the fantasy draft, primarily the fact that baseball season has finally begun! hooray! i managed to survive another long winter.