happy birthday to my brother david. and happy birthday to my friend james.
becca has taken the afternoon off work, using some of the bazillions of credit hours that she (like the rest of us) has built up in the past 5 weeks. i’m jealous. i want an afternoon off. {sigh} i suppose i’ll wait until i can actually afford to be gone, and not affect everyone’s work. maybe it will even be a sunny day!
the sun was trying to show itself this morning, but it’s a tough fight against the clouds that have been here for weeks now, with the exception of one glorious weekend. i’m tired of clouds. the only good thing is that it’s still cool outside, which i can appreciate because i remind myself that the obnoxious heat of a houston summer will inevitably arrive.
last night i went over to becca’s for dinner. she fixed salmon and mashed potatoes and salad. it was delicious. she makes much more impressive meals than i do. more amusing was that gavin and jen and cari all came over as well, and brought their dogs. four rambunctious dogs. they were quite a sight. i am actually going to be pet-sitting for all four dogs at the beginning of april when becca, gavin and jen, and cari all go to colorado…a trip that i was also supposed to be on. oh well. i am enjoying threatening them about what i’ll do to their pets, since they all seem to think i hate dogs. mwa ha ha.