hola. je suis tres tres fatiguee. what the hell.
it’s friday, but we can’t go out to lunch as usual. no time. jen is bringing wendy’s for us. mmm. i should have ordered a frosty. ah well.
yes, i realize the quality of my diary entries has suffered horribly this week. there are two reasons for this. one, i’m short on time. two, i’m short on brain power. the speed with which my brain can comprehend things, and in return think up new things to say, has slowed to a crawl, i think. i’m hoping it recovers this weekend, so that i can come back on monday refreshed and ready to go.
when this is all over, and the accident report is finished, and we are flying shuttles again…one day when my brain is back at normal speed, i will sit down and calculate how many simulations i’ve run this week. i’ll have to write down the final number and frame it or something. i dunno. something.
i’m so hungry. i hope jen gets back soon. she rocks for making sure that we have eaten this week. oh, and gavin for the day he got us quizno’s.
irwin sent becca to work today with microsoft career fair toys. they are these weird yo-yo things, colored rubber balls with “hair” and a bungee. i don’t really know what you’re supposed to do with them, but we’ve gotten creative and started flinging them around the office. irwin, you are evil for doing this to us.
damn excel is slow. i only have time to update because it takes excel for-freaking-ever to process data, and i can’t work on any of my other spreadsheets while it’s processing one. irwin, maybe you can look into this when you get back to seattle.
ooh. i think it might be done.
(8:25 p.m.)
about to leave work, just waiting to make sure gavin’s maps come out right and i don’t need to re-run any crossranges for him. we need to get these maps out tonight to the people in louisiana and others. we were supposed to go to the movies at 8:05, but fortunately beeca, irwin, and jen were able to switch the tickets to the 10:00 show, which should hopefully leave me enough time for some food. while i’m waiting to make sure we’re done for the night, i took a little quiz. san francisco. ahh, the memories…

Congratulations, you’re San Francisco, the city of change.
What US city are you? Take the quiz.