all of a sudden it’s gotten cold (and cloudy) outside again, after being lovely and warm and sunny all week. why does that happen? why does the lousy weather roll in for the weekend? ah well.
we ran the rockets run 5k this morning and i finished in…28:45! wahoo! the race finished at center court in the compaq center, so that was pretty neat to run in through the tunnel and end on the basketball court. and then buzz and i got to our soccer game at halftime to find that our team was actually winning! double wahoo! we won the game to finish the season with a record of 1-7.
yesterday at work was hectic, hectic, hectic. the good news is that we got everything done, though; becca and i submitted the extended abstract, complete with umpteen signatures, at 4:30. of course in typical fashion, when we logged on to submit we found out that the deadline that was supposed to be yesterday had been pushed back to january 31, making all our rushing and running around and convincing people to just please please sign the damn forms all for naught. but we had spent so much time getting it done that i wasn’t about to just let it sit for 3 more weeks, so we went ahead and submitted it anyway.
tonight we’re headed to the rockets game with the tickets we got for running the race this morning. should be fun. i haven’t been to an nba game in…well, i don’t know how long, but years. not since high school definitely, or maybe even junior high…before the hornets started screwing with the city of charlotte and i lost interest in them. and we’ll get to see yao ming, the really tall chinese guy that the sporting world is talking about.
this afternoon is set aside for laundry, cleaning, and other assorted chores. whoopee.