so today has been completely random so far. i got in to work at 8:30, spent 45 minutes doing my checking email/getting ready for the day routine, then headed over to building 220 with the rest of my group. the x-38s (all three vehicles–two drop test models and one that was supposed to go up on the shuttle but now probably never will) had been dragged out and arranged in the parking lot, and a nasa photographer was taking group pictures of all the different people who worked on the project during its heyday.
first there was the massive 200+ people group picture, followed by individual groups. my officemates and i were in the flight dynamics pictures, taken 2nd and 15th, so we ended up having to hang around for an hour and a half to get all the pictures done. by the time we finished it was lunchtime, so we headed to mongolian bbq. and that’s that. i guess this afternoon i will try to get some actual work done!
so yesterday i did something a little crazy. i dyed my hair. not the 6-8 shampoo type either. i mean i went to a salon (dragging jason and debbie along for emotional support) and got my hair dyed. i was thinking of going fairly red, but after discussing it with adam, the guy, we decided on a shade darker than my natural color, with red undertones and a few hidden red highlights. now, for those of you that know me, my natural color is not the sun-bleached blond stuff on top; my natural color is actually the mousey brown that you only really see in the hair at the top of my head or the layer underneath the blond stuff, that is, the hair that you don’t usually see much of. so the effect of dying my entire head of hair a shade darker than that natural color is noticeable, but not in a bad way. you’ll have to look at next week’s page du jour for a viewing.
meeting time, gotta go.
(2:08 p.m.)
back from a relatively unproductive meeting. i have a lot to do this afternoon. turns out that a satellite will be deorbited this fall, and our group needs to verify debris footprints. my mentor volunteered our services, but since lately i have become the debris footprint woman, the task falls to me. they need a preliminary answer by next friday, and since i won’t be here at all next week, that means i have to get it done before i leave. it won’t be a problem if they’ve given us the right information. i just sent it to the printer, so i’m crossing my fingers that everything i need will be there when i go grab the paper. if so, i’ll have the footprints by tomorrow no sweat.
i have a lot to do at work these days. hurrah.
i was going to talk about how cold it is here today, and then about how cold it is supposed to be in france, but then i read how cold it is in chicago and decided that i have no room to complain. feels like -10. damn.
so the fifth harry potter book comes out on june 21. it’s finally been announced. that’s nice, as it is a little something to look forward to.
(4:08 p.m.)
matt: “elephants do that too, they get drunk on berries.”
me: “but they’re not in sweden.”
matt: “no.”