oh happy day! it’s an interactive diary entry from sarah!

this is my new pet, bought on impulse yesterday when i followed becca and irwin to the pet store. (i almost bought a turtle cause they were so cool, but figured i should find out more about how to care for a turtle before i randomly get one.) anyway, my new pet is a male red beta fish, and he needs a name! after watching harry potter last night while puttering around my apartment, i came up with one name option–fang. or, since he is a siamese fighting fish, i could name him something siamese, but when i tried to think of siamese names, all that came to mind were japanese names.
so give me suggestions. i’m taking a poll! yay polls! email me. the winning name will get…um…my undying love and affection! and maybe i’ll send you a hershey bar or something if the name is extra good.
oh, and here is another picture of ivan the amaryllis, proof that i can grow a plant. ha ha!

also, i have one more picture if anyone wants to see what becca’s and my office looks like. it’s a 360 view courtesy of my digital camera and cool photo-stitching software. see it here. plus one more picture of the people in my group. see it here. back row: george, gil, ray, rich, gavin, and me. front row: matt, becca, and laura, who has sadly finished her co-op tour and gone back to texas a&m.
it’s lunchtime, but perhaps i’ll update with more substance later.