robert fick. this is the braves’ answer to a seemingly decimated pitching staff. robert fick. {sigh}
so some of us (the particular someones have not all been determined yet) have decided to go to colorado the first weekend in april to see a baseball game and ski. i’m quite proud to say that the baseball game requirement, and thus the placement of the trip on the first weekend of april when most ski places are about to close for the year, is entirely my doing. see, i can’t ski, and so if i’m going to spend a whole weekend falling on my butt, i might as well get a baseball game out of it, and add another ballpark to the list of parks i’ve visited. anyway. this should be fun! i love colorado.
in other news, the furniture company is stupid, stupid, stupid. despite telling me when i bought a bedroom set last week that it would be delived on tuesday (as in today), it wasn’t even put on the truck today and therefore won’t arrive until tomorrow. why, for the love of god, why are furniture delivery people incompetant?? this is the fourth time i’ve bought furniture in 6 months, and only one of those times was it delivered as scheduled. it’s exasperating. i don’t care that it took them a week from when i bought it to deliver it. that’s fine. but they should tell me that up front, instead of telling me one thing and then changing their tune once it’s too late for me to do anything about it! argh.
i wish there were a way i could just flush out my entire head. it is oh-so-stuffy which makes work oh-so-tedious.
we finished painting becca’s study last night, and took pictures, but i didn’t get a chance to resize them last night. so maybe later.
i am so disappointed that i missed the premiere of joe millionaire last night. really, i am.
i need to go play with matlab now.
(6:34 p.m.)
now i remember why i try to avoid taking anything other than advil when i am sick. this afternoon i took a sudafed to try to relieve some of the oh-so-stuffy-licious-ness. bad idea. i’m not stuffy anymore, however, that’s been replaced with watery eyes and a nose that is leaking like a freaking faucet. note to self: next time, stick with being stuffy. it’s more comfortable than dripping.