moving to houston has made me rethink my take on the weather. i used to like cold weather better than hot, but now that i never experience cold weather, when it does come, like today, i find that i don’t care for it so much. weird.
so today james gets the honor of calling me on my relative lack of money. “Sarah, you always amaze me with the cool stuff you buy and do. I hear you talk about being broke, and then have all these cool vacations and buy cool TVs, cameras etc. It doesn’t make sense, unless that’s the reason why you’re broke!” he’s right, of course. well, he’s less right on the TV/camera/etc part, as i haven’t bought any new electronics in a while, but he’s dead on with the traveling observation. i’m a travel junkie. i love going to different places. if i didn’t travel, i would have significantly more money, but i’m not really willing to give it up.
in that case, i should really stop saying that i’m broke.
so i think i’m going to run the peachtree in atlanta on july 4, assuming i can get my application mailed in time to be in the first 45,000 people. good thing i still have connections in georgia to fax me the application.
la la. i feel like i should have more to write, but can’t find many good words today. my head feels weird. sort of dizzy. don’t know why.
my smart (Spacecraft Mission Assessment and Replanning Tool, how creative of the acronym makers) meeting was cancelled for the afternoon, which is ok. i didn’t have anything to report anyway, since i spent all last week working on the paper abstract with becca. instead, i’ll finally get started on the project ray and rich gave me last week.
i’m looking forward to a run tonight, though i will probably head to the treadmill again since it’s so cold outside, and still pretty wet. i’m not a big fan of the treadmill. most people say that treadmill running is easier than road running due to the lack of air resistance and better cushioning, but i dunno, it doesn’t seem that way to me. i do put the treadmill at 1% incline, which is the proven way to make treadmill running like road running…but it doesn’t seem to have more cushioning. i actually find that my shins bother me more on a treadmill than they do on the road. but i am trying to get used to it, as i know there will be days this summer when it will too hot to run outside, just as today is too cold.
anyway. i think i might actually run some errands tonight that i have been putting off. plus i have to go buy nick’s camera.
france on friday!