the first day of 2003 is absolutely beautiful. sunny, breezy, cool. this bodes well for the year to come, i think.
last night was fun. gavin, jen, becca, irwin and i went to see “two weeks notice” after the football game (which georgia tech lost, unfortunately…a mediocre end to a mediocre season). it was a typical cheesy romantic comedy, but i did enjoy hugh grant’s character. he is great at doing the whole sarcastic-yet-with-straight-face thing. i love that. it’s my favorite kind of humor.
after the movie we went back to becca’s place for cheese fondue. yum! i love fondue, even though i’ve only had it like three times in my entire life. i think i’m going to take one of the million 20% off coupons i always get from bed, bath, and beyond and go buy a fondue pot so i can do it myself and have people over. it’s been a long time since i had anyone over for dinner.
just after 11:00, after fondue and watching the ball drop in new york, we headed to randy and ami’s house to join them, ron and buzz, phil, edgar, chris, and a whole bunch of other people. somehow the tv ended up on the spanish station, which was broadcasting from san antonio, so we counted down “diez, nueve, ocho, seite, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno, feliz ano nuevo!!”
so it was a great night. i got to see ian, an old co-op friend who i haven’t seen in probably three years. katie called about 2 minutes before midnight to wish me a happy new year. i got a kiss at midnight. and then carter called at 1 a.m., too hopped up on cheesecake (or so he said) to realize that it was already 2 a.m. his time and thus new years in denver already and no longer new years in houston. but i appreciated the call anyway.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true
hooray for 2003, it’s going well so far…