the past 24 hours. highlights:
- a trip to the compaq center for an aeros (the houston minor league hockey team) game
- jason catching and then giving me an aeros t-shirt with the name of their sponsor–IKEA!!!–on the back (“you don’t have to be rich. just smart.”)
- a new personal record in a 5k! 31:40 this morning at the reindeer run!
- soccer game immediately after finishing a 5k, though we lost miserably
- haircut (it’s quite short now)
- pedicure (ahhhhhhhh)
- mexican food with becca
- a trip to lowe’s to get 1) a mini-christmas tree for my apartment and 2) a pretty wreath for my front door that appropriately was from a tree farm in…north carolina
- i am freaking tired. heading to bed early because we’re running another race tomorrow morning that ends on the 50 yard line of reliant stadium…too cool to pass up.